Investors / Newsroom


Investor FAQs

What is the Company's Ticker Symbol?

Emergent Capital trades under the symbol, "EMGC".

On what market is Emergent Capital's stock traded?

Emergent Capital's common stock is traded on the OTCQB® market.

Who is Emergent Capital's Transfer Agent? (i.e. who administers the stock certificates?)

Emergent Capital's transfer agent is American Stock Transfer & Trust Company, LLC. The transfer agent is responsible for maintaining all records of stockholders (i.e. name, address, telephone number), canceling or issuing stock certificates and resolving problems related to lost, destroyed or stolen certificates.

If you are an Emergent Capital stockholder and need to amend the details of your stock record, please contact:

American Stock Transfer
6201 15th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11219
Phone: 800-937-5449

What is Emergent Capital's Common Stock CUSIP number?

29102N 105

Where can I go to see recent news announcements?

You can find news on the company at the Newsroom link on our home page at

How do I get a copy of Emergent Capital's earnings release?

You can download it from our Investor Relations web site.

How do I contact Investor Relations at Emergent Capital?

The company's primary investor relations contact is:

Miriam Martinez
Senior VP and Chief Financial Officer
5355 Town Center Road, Suite 701
Boca Raton, Fl 33486-1081
Phone: 561-995-4366

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