Investor FAQs
Where is CareCloud's corporate headquarters? |
CareCloud, Inc. |
Where is the company incorporated? |
Delaware |
When did CareCloud go public? What was the price? |
CareCloud, Inc. was formerly known as MTBC, Inc. and went public on July 23, 2014 at $5.00 per share. |
When does CareCloud's fiscal year end? |
December 31 |
What exchange is CareCloud traded on? |
NASDAQ Global Market |
Who is CareCloud's transfer agent? |
VStock Transfer, LLC |
Whom do I contact with questions about my stock? |
Please contact:
How do I transfer stock, change the address on my shareholder account, or replace a lost stock certificate? |
Please contact:
Does CareCloud have a direct stock purchase plan? |
CareCloud does not currently have a direct stock purchase plan. CareCloud stock can be purchased from most brokerage firms. |
Who is CareCloud's auditor? |
Grant Thornton LLP |
Who is CareCloud's legal counsel? |
Song P.C. |
How many employees does CareCloud have? |
As of December 31, 2020 CareCloud has approximately 3,700 employees worldwide, with operations in the USA, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. |
Where can I find out more about CareCloud? |
Please visit the About Us page |
Where can I get the latest corporate news releases and financial reports? |
Please visit the News page for the latest corporate news releases, and note that CareCloud, Inc. was formerly known as MTBC, Inc. |
How can I view documents CareCloud has filed with the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC), including Forms 10-K and 10-Q? |
Please visit the SEC Filings page |
Who makes up the CareCloud Executive Management team and Board of Directors? |
Please visit the Leadership page |