Firm Analyst Phone

Rodman & Renshaw

Raghuram Selvaraju, Ph.D. (212)-916-3966
Yi Chen, Ph.D. (212)-916-3971



Imprimis Pharmaceuticals is followed by the analysts listed above. This list is provided solely as a convenience to investors and includes all analysts known by Imprimis Pharmaceuticals to follow the company, but may not be complete and is subject to change as analysts add or delete coverage. Please note that any opinions, estimates or forecasts regarding Imprimis Pharmaceuticals’ performance made by these analysts are theirs alone and do not in any way represent the views, opinions, forecasts or predictions of Imprimis Pharmaceuticals or its management. Imprimis Pharmaceuticals does not by its reference above or distribution imply its endorsement of or concurrence with the information, conclusions or recommendations of any of these analysts. Imprimis does not distribute information or reports prepared by any of these analysts.

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San Diego, CA 92130
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