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Use on the fly calculation for small screen (980px below) if ( et_window_width <= 980 ) { var header_height = $main_header.innerHeight() + secondary_nav_height - 1; // If transparent is detected, #main-content .container's padding-top needs to be added to header_height // And NOT a pagebuilder page if ( $et_transparent_nav.length && ! $et_pb_first_row.length ) { header_height += 58; } } else { // Get header height from header attribute var header_height = parseInt( $main_header.attr( 'data-height-onload' ) ) + secondary_nav_height; // Non page builder page needs to be added by #main-content .container's fixed height if ( $et_transparent_nav.length && ! $et_vertical_nav.length && $et_main_content_first_row.length ) { header_height += 58; } } // Specific adjustment required for transparent nav + not vertical nav if ( $et_transparent_nav.length && ! $et_vertical_nav.length ){ // Add class for first row for custom section padding purpose $et_pb_first_row.addClass( 'et_pb_section_first' ); // List of conditionals var is_pb = $et_pb_first_row.length, is_post_pb = is_pb && $et_single_post.length, is_post_pb_full_layout_has_title = $et_pb_post_fullwidth.length && $et_main_content_first_row_meta_wrapper_title.length, is_post_pb_full_layout_no_title = $et_pb_post_fullwidth.length && 0 === $et_main_content_first_row_meta_wrapper_title.length, is_pb_fullwidth_section_first = $et_pb_first_row.is( '.et_pb_fullwidth_section' ), is_no_pb_mobile = et_window_width <= 980 && $et_main_content_first_row.length; if ( is_post_pb && ! ( is_post_pb_full_layout_no_title && is_pb_fullwidth_section_first ) ) { /* Desktop / Mobile + Single Post */ /* * EXCEPT for fullwidth layout + fullwidth section ( at the first row ). * It is basically the same as page + fullwidth section with few quirk. * Instead of duplicating the conditional for each module, it'll be simpler to negate * fullwidth layout + fullwidth section in is_post_pb and rely it to is_pb_fullwidth_section_first */ // Remove main content's inline padding to styling to prevent looping padding-top calculation $et_main_content_first_row.css({ 'paddingTop' : '' }); if ( et_window_width < 980 ) { header_height += 40; } if ( is_pb_fullwidth_section_first ) { // If the first section is fullwidth, restore the padding-top modified area at first section $et_pb_first_row.css({ 'paddingTop' : '0', }); } if ( is_post_pb_full_layout_has_title ) { // Add header height to post meta wrapper as padding top $et_main_content_first_row_meta_wrapper.css({ 'paddingTop' : header_height }); } else if ( is_post_pb_full_layout_no_title ) { $et_pb_first_row.css({ 'paddingTop' : header_height }); } else { // Add header height to first row content as padding top $et_main_content_first_row.css({ 'paddingTop' : header_height }); } } else if ( is_pb_fullwidth_section_first ){ /* Desktop / Mobile + Pagebuilder + Fullwidth Section */ var $et_pb_first_row_first_module = $et_pb_first_row.children( '.et_pb_module:first' ); // Quirks: If this is post with fullwidth layout + no title + fullwidth section at first row, // Remove the added height at line 2656 if ( is_post_pb_full_layout_no_title && is_pb_fullwidth_section_first && et_window_width > 980 ) { header_height = header_height - 58; } if ( $et_pb_first_row_first_module.is( '.et_pb_slider' ) ) { /* Desktop / Mobile + Pagebuilder + Fullwidth slider */ var $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slide_image = $et_pb_first_row_first_module.find( '.et_pb_slide_image' ), $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slide = $et_pb_first_row_first_module.find( '.et_pb_slide' ), $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slide_container = $et_pb_first_row_first_module.find( '.et_pb_slide .et_pb_container' ), et_pb_slide_image_margin_top = 0 - ( parseInt( $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slide_image.height() ) / 2 ), et_pb_slide_container_height = 0, $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slider_arrow = $et_pb_first_row_first_module.find( '.et-pb-slider-arrows a'), et_pb_first_row_slider_arrow_height = $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slider_arrow.height(); // Adding padding top to each slide so the transparency become useful $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slide.css({ 'paddingTop' : header_height, }); // delete container's min-height $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slide_container.css({ 'min-height' : '' }); // Adjusting slider's image, considering additional top padding of slideshow $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slide_image.css({ 'marginTop' : et_pb_slide_image_margin_top }); // Adjusting slider's arrow, considering additional top padding of slideshow $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slider_arrow.css({ 'marginTop' : ( ( header_height / 2 ) - ( et_pb_first_row_slider_arrow_height / 2 ) ) }); // Looping the slide and get the highest height of slide et_pb_first_row_slide_container_height_new = 0 $et_pb_first_row_first_module.find( '.et_pb_slide' ).each( function(){ var $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slide_item = $(this), $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slide_container = $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slide_item.find( '.et_pb_container' ); // Make sure that the slide is visible to calculate correct height $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slide_item.show(); // Remove existing inline css to make sure that it calculates the height $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slide_container.css({ 'min-height' : '' }); var et_pb_first_row_slide_container_height = $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slide_container.innerHeight(); if ( et_pb_first_row_slide_container_height_new < et_pb_first_row_slide_container_height ){ et_pb_first_row_slide_container_height_new = et_pb_first_row_slide_container_height; } // Hide the slide back if it isn't active slide if ( $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slide_item.is( ':not(".et-pb-active-slide")' ) ){ $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slide_item.hide(); } }); // Setting appropriate min-height, considering additional top padding of slideshow $et_pb_first_row_first_module_slide_container.css({ 'min-height' : et_pb_first_row_slide_container_height_new }); } else if ( $et_pb_first_row_first_module.is( '.et_pb_fullwidth_header' ) ) { /* Desktop / Mobile + Pagebuilder + Fullwidth header */ // Remove existing inline stylesheet to prevent looping padding $et_pb_first_row_first_module.removeAttr( 'style' ); // Get paddingTop from stylesheet var et_pb_first_row_first_module_fullwidth_header_padding_top = parseInt( $et_pb_first_row_first_module.css( 'paddingTop' ) ); // Implement stylesheet's padding-top + header_height $et_pb_first_row_first_module.css({ 'paddingTop' : ( header_height + et_pb_first_row_first_module_fullwidth_header_padding_top ) } ); } else if ( $et_pb_first_row_first_module.is( '.et_pb_fullwidth_portfolio' ) ) { /* Desktop / Mobile + Pagebuilder + Fullwidth Portfolio */ $et_pb_first_row_first_module.css({ 'paddingTop' : header_height }); } else if ( $et_pb_first_row_first_module.is( '.et_pb_map_container' ) ) { /* Desktop / Mobile + Pagebuilder + Fullwidth Map */ var $et_pb_first_row_map = $et_pb_first_row_first_module.find( '.et_pb_map' ); // Remove existing inline height to prevent looping height calculation $et_pb_first_row_map.css({ 'height' : '' }); // Implement map height + header height $et_pb_first_row_first_module.find('.et_pb_map').css({ 'height' : header_height + parseInt( $et_pb_first_row_map.css( 'height' ) ) }); // Adding specific class to mark the map as first row section element $et_pb_first_row_first_module.addClass( 'et_beneath_transparent_nav' ); } else if ( $et_pb_first_row_first_module.is( '.et_pb_fullwidth_menu' ) ) { /* Desktop / Mobile + Pagebuilder + Fullwidth Menu */ $et_pb_first_row_first_module.css({ 'marginTop' : header_height }); } else if ( $et_pb_first_row_first_module.is( '.et_pb_fullwidth_code' ) ) { /* Desktop / Mobile + Pagebuilder + Fullwidth code */ var $et_pb_first_row_first_module_code = $et_pb_first_row_first_module; $et_pb_first_row_first_module_code.css({ 'paddingTop' : '' }); var et_pb_first_row_first_module_code_padding_top = parseInt( $et_pb_first_row_first_module_code.css( 'paddingTop' ) ); $et_pb_first_row_first_module_code.css({ 'paddingTop' : header_height + et_pb_first_row_first_module_code_padding_top }); } else if ( $et_pb_first_row_first_module.is( '.et_pb_post_title' ) ) { /* Desktop / Mobile + Pagebuilder + Fullwidth Post Title */ var $et_pb_first_row_first_module_title = $et_pb_first_row_first_module; $et_pb_first_row_first_module_title.css({ 'paddingTop' : header_height + 50 }); } } else if ( is_pb ) { /* Desktop / Mobile + Pagebuilder + Regular section */ // Remove first row's inline padding top styling to prevent looping padding-top calculation $et_pb_first_row.css({ 'paddingTop' : '' }); // Pagebuilder ignores #main-content .container's fixed height and uses its row's padding // Anticipate the use of custom section padding. et_pb_first_row_padding_top = header_height + parseInt( $et_pb_first_row.css( 'paddingBottom' ) ); // Implementing padding-top + header_height $et_pb_first_row.css({ 'paddingTop' : et_pb_first_row_padding_top }); } else if ( is_no_pb_mobile ) { // Mobile + not pagebuilder $et_main_content_first_row.css({ 'paddingTop' : header_height }); } else { $('#main-content .container:first-child').css({ 'paddingTop' : header_height }); } // Set #page-container's padding-top to zero after inline styling first row's content has been added if ( ! $('#et_fix_page_container_position').length ){ $( '', { 'id' : 'et_fix_page_container_position', 'text' : '#page-container{ padding-top: 0 !important;}' }).appendTo('head'); } } else if( et_is_fixed_nav ) { $main_container_wrapper.css( 'paddingTop', header_height ); } et_change_primary_nav_position( 0 ); } // Save container width on page load for reference $et_container.data( 'previous-width', $et_container.width() ); $( window ).resize( function(){ var window_width = $et_window.width(), et_container_previous_width = $et_container.data('previous-width'), et_container_css_width = $et_container.css( 'width' ), et_container_width_in_pixel = ( typeof et_container_css_width !== 'undefined' ) ? et_container_css_width.substr( -1, 1 ) !== '%' : '', et_container_actual_width = ( et_container_width_in_pixel ) ? $et_container.width() : ( ( $et_container.width() / 100 ) * window_width ), // $et_container.width() doesn't recognize pixel or percentage unit. It's our duty to understand what it returns and convert it properly containerWidthChanged = et_container_previous_width !== et_container_actual_width, $slide_menu_container = $( '.et_slide_in_menu_container' ); if ( et_is_fixed_nav && containerWidthChanged ) { if ( typeof update_page_container_position != 'undefined' ){ clearTimeout( update_page_container_position ); } var update_page_container_position = setTimeout( function() { et_fix_page_container_position(); if ( typeof et_fix_fullscreen_section === 'function' ) { et_fix_fullscreen_section(); } }, 200 ); // Update container width data for future resizing reference $et_container.data('previous-width', et_container_actual_width ); } if ( et_hide_nav ) { et_hide_nav_transofrm(); } if ( $( '#wpadminbar' ).length && et_is_fixed_nav && window_width >= 740 && window_width <= 782 ) { et_calculate_header_values(); et_change_primary_nav_position( 0 ); } et_set_search_form_css(); if ( $slide_menu_container.length && ! $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'et_pb_slide_menu_active' ) ) { $slide_menu_container.css( { right: '-' + $slide_menu_container.innerWidth() + 'px' } ); if ( $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'et_boxed_layout' ) && et_is_fixed_nav ) { var page_container_margin = $main_container_wrapper.css( 'margin-left' ); $main_header.css( { left : page_container_margin } ); } } if ( $slide_menu_container.length && $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'et_pb_slide_menu_active' ) ) { if ( $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'et_boxed_layout' ) ) { var page_container_margin = parseFloat( $main_container_wrapper.css( 'margin-left' ) ), left_position; $main_container_wrapper.css( { left: '-' + ( $slide_menu_container.innerWidth() - page_container_margin ) + 'px' } ); if ( et_is_fixed_nav ) { left_position = 0 > $slide_menu_container.innerWidth() - ( page_container_margin * 2 ) ? Math.abs( $slide_menu_container.innerWidth() - ( page_container_margin * 2 ) ) : '-' + ( $slide_menu_container.innerWidth() - ( page_container_margin * 2 ) ); if ( left_position < $slide_menu_container.innerWidth() ) { $main_header.css( { left: left_position + 'px' } ); } } } else { $( '#page-container, .et_fixed_nav #main-header' ).css( { left: '-' + $slide_menu_container.innerWidth() + 'px' } ); } } // adjust the padding in fullscreen menu if ( $slide_menu_container.length && $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'et_header_style_fullscreen' ) ) { var top_bar_height = $slide_menu_container.find( '.et_slide_menu_top' ).innerHeight(); $slide_menu_container.css( { 'padding-top': top_bar_height + 20 } ); } } ); $( window ).ready( function(){ if ( $.fn.fitVids ) { $( '#main-content' ).fitVids( { customSelector: "iframe[src^='http://www.hulu.com'], iframe[src^='http://www.dailymotion.com'], iframe[src^='http://www.funnyordie.com'], iframe[src^='https://embed-ssl.ted.com'], iframe[src^='http://embed.revision3.com'], iframe[src^='https://flickr.com'], iframe[src^='http://blip.tv'], iframe[src^='http://www.collegehumor.com']"} ); } } ); $( window ).load( function(){ if ( et_is_fixed_nav ) { et_calculate_header_values(); } et_fix_page_container_position(); if ( et_header_style_left && !et_vertical_navigation) { $logo_width = $( '#logo' ).width(); if ( et_is_rtl ) { $et_top_navigation.css( 'padding-right', $logo_width + 30 ); } else { $et_top_navigation.css( 'padding-left', $logo_width + 30 ); } } if ( $('p.demo_store').length ) { $('#footer-bottom').css('margin-bottom' , $('p.demo_store').innerHeight()); } if ( $.fn.waypoint ) { if ( et_is_vertical_fixed_nav ) { var $waypoint_selector = $('#main-content'); $waypoint_selector.waypoint( { handler : function( direction ) { et_fix_logo_transition(); if ( direction === 'down' ) { $('#main-header').addClass( 'et-fixed-header' ); } else { $('#main-header').removeClass( 'et-fixed-header' ); } } } ); } if ( et_is_fixed_nav ) { if ( $et_transparent_nav.length && ! $et_vertical_nav.length && $et_pb_first_row.length ){ // Fullscreen section at the first row requires specific adjustment if ( $et_pb_first_row.is( '.et_pb_fullwidth_section' ) ){ var $waypoint_selector = $et_pb_first_row.children('.et_pb_module'); } else { var $waypoint_selector = $et_pb_first_row.find('.et_pb_row'); } } else if ( $et_transparent_nav.length && ! $et_vertical_nav.length && $et_main_content_first_row.length ) { var $waypoint_selector = $('#content-area'); } else { var $waypoint_selector = $('#main-content'); } $waypoint_selector.waypoint( { offset: function() { if ( etRecalculateOffset ) { setTimeout( function() { et_calculate_header_values(); }, 200 ); etRecalculateOffset = false; } if ( et_hide_nav ) { return et_header_offset - et_header_height - 200; } else { // Transparent nav modification: #page-container's offset is set to 0. 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