/** * Handle: init_show_calendar * Version: 1.0 * Deps: jQuery * Enqueue: true */ jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { var toUnixDate = function (date) { return $.fullCalendar.formatDate(date, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'); // unix datetime }, js_n = function (arr, quantity, singular, plural, min) { // javascript _n method if (undefined === min) { min = 0; } if (quantity > 0) { var out = [], output = []; if (quantity > min) { out.push(quantity); } out.push((quantity != 1) ? plural : singular); output = out.join(' '); arr.push(output); } return; }, calcDuration = function (from, to, allDay, frequency, interval, until) { var mills = new Date(to).getTime() - new Date(from).getTime(), diff = {}, out = []; diff.weeks = Math.floor(mills / 604800000); mills -= diff.weeks * 604800000; diff.days = Math.floor(mills / 86400000); mills -= diff.days * 86400000; diff.hours = Math.floor(mills / 3600000); mills -= diff.hours * 3600000; diff.minutes = Math.floor(mills / 60000); // format output if (allDay == 1) { diff.days += 1; } js_n(out, diff.weeks, custom.week, custom.weeks); js_n(out, diff.days, custom.day, custom.days); if (allDay == 0) { js_n(out, diff.hours, custom.hour, custom.hours); js_n(out, diff.minutes, custom.minute, custom.minutes); } output = out.join(' '); if (frequency > 0) { reps = []; reps.push(' '); reps.push('('); reps.push(custom.repeats_every); reps.push(' '); if (interval == 0) { js_n(reps, frequency, custom.day, custom.days, 1); } if (interval == 1) { js_n(reps, frequency, custom.week, custom.weeks, 1); } if (interval == 2) { js_n(reps, frequency, custom.month, custom.months, 1); } if (interval == 3) { js_n(reps, frequency, custom.year, custom.years, 1); } reps.push(' '); reps.push(custom.until); reps.push(' '); reps.push(until); reps.push(')'); output += reps.join(''); } return output; }, eventDialog = function (e) { // adjusts modal top for WordPress admin bar var wpadminbar = $('#wpadminbar'), wpadminbar_height = (wpadminbar.length > 0) ? wpadminbar.height() : '0', modal = '
'; // check for modal html structure, if not present add it to the DOM if ($('#aec-modal').length === 0) { $('body').prepend(modal); } $('#aec-modal').modal({ overlayId: 'aec-modal-overlay', containerId: 'aec-modal-container', closeHTML: '
', minHeight: 35, opacity: 65, zIndex: 10000, position: [wpadminbar_height, ], overlayClose: true, onOpen: function (d) { var modal = this; modal.container = d.container[0]; d.overlay.fadeIn(150, function () { $('#aec-modal', modal.container).show(); var title = $('div.aec-title', modal.container), content = $('div.aec-content', modal.container), closebtn = $('div.close', modal.container); title.html(custom.loading_event_form).show(); d.container.slideDown(150, function () { $.post(custom.ajaxurl, { action: 'get_event', 'id': e.id, 'start': toUnixDate(e.start), 'end': toUnixDate(e.end)}, function (data) { title.html(data.title); content.html(data.content); var h = content.height() + title.height() + 40; d.container.animate({ height: h }, 150, function () { closebtn.show(); content.show(); $('.duration').html(calcDuration(data.start, data.end, data.allDay, data.repeat_f, data.repeat_i, data.repeat_e)); }); }, 'json'); }); }); }, onClose: function (d) { var modal = this; d.container.animate({ top: '-' + (d.container.height() + 20) }, 250, function () { $('.time-picker').remove(); modal.close(); }); } }); }, calendarInit = function () { calendar = $('#aec-calendar').fullCalendar({ isRTL: custom.is_rtl, monthNames: [custom.january, custom.february, custom.march, custom.april, custom.may, custom.june, custom.july, custom.august, custom.september, custom.october, custom.november, custom.december], monthNamesShort: [custom.jan, custom.feb, custom.mar, custom.apr, custom.may_short, custom.jun, custom.jul, custom.aug, custom.sep, custom.oct, custom.nov, custom.dec], dayNames: [custom.sunday, custom.monday, custom.tuesday, custom.wednesday, custom.thursday, custom.friday, custom.saturday], dayNamesShort: [custom.sun, custom.mon, custom.tue, custom.wed, custom.thu, custom.fri, custom.sat], buttonIcons: false, buttonText: { today: custom.today, month: custom.month, week: custom.week, day: custom.day, prev: ' ◄ ', // left triangle next: ' ► ' // right triangle }, allDayText: custom.all_day, timeFormat: { agenda: custom.agenda_time_format, '': custom.other_time_format }, columnFormat: { week: 'ddd d', month: 'ddd' }, axisFormat: custom.axis_time_format, firstDay: custom.start_of_week, firstHour: 8, weekMode: 'liquid', weekends: (custom.show_weekends === '1') ? true : false, events: { url: custom.ajaxurl, data: { action: 'get_events', 'readonly': true, 'categories': shortcode.categories, 'excluded': shortcode.excluded }, type: 'POST' }, header: { left: shortcode.nav, center: (shortcode.mini) ? '' : 'title', right: shortcode.views }, height: shortcode.height, defaultView: shortcode.view, month: shortcode.month, year: shortcode.year, editable: custom.editable, selectable: custom.editable, selectHelper: custom.editable, loading: function (b) { if (b) { $.jGrowl(custom.loading, {sticky: true}); } else { $('#jGrowl').jGrowl('close'); } }, //eventMouseover: function (e, js, view) { //}, eventClick: function (e) { eventDialog(e); }, eventRender: function (e, element) { // check if filter is active if (isFilter) { var filter = $('#aec-filter li.active').children(); // if filter is not "all", hide all category types other than the selected if (!filter.hasClass('all') && !filter.hasClass(e.className[0])) { element.hide(); } } if (shortcode.mini) { element.html(' ').attr('title', e.title); } } }); }, filter = function (active) { $('#aec-filter li').next().fadeTo(0, 0.5).removeClass('active'); $(active).parent().fadeTo(250, 1).addClass('active'); calendar.fullCalendar('rerenderEvents'); }, eventHandlers = function () { if (isFilter) { // category filter filter($('#aec-filter .' + shortcode.filter)); $('#aec-filter li a').click(function () { filter(this); }); } if (shortcode.nav) { // quick navigation if ($('#aec-quickselect').length === 0) { $('.fc-button-prev', '.fc-header').after('
'); } var quickSelect = $('#aec-quickselect').datepicker({ changeMonth: true, changeYear: true, onChangeMonthYear: function (year, month, inst) { calendar.fullCalendar('gotoDate', year, month - 1); } }), date = calendar.fullCalendar('getDate'); quickSelect.datepicker("setDate", date); $('.fc-button-prev, .fc-button-next, .fc-button-today', '.fc-header').click(function () { var date = calendar.fullCalendar('getDate'); quickSelect.datepicker("setDate", date); }); } if (shortcode.scroll) { // mousewheel navigation $('#aec-calendar').mousewheel(function (e, delta) { var scroll = (delta > 0) ? -1 : 1, view = calendar.fullCalendar('getView'); switch (view.name) { case 'month': calendar.fullCalendar('incrementDate', 0, scroll, 0); break; case 'basicWeek': calendar.fullCalendar('incrementDate', 0, 0, scroll * 7); break; case 'basicDay': calendar.fullCalendar('incrementDate', 0, 0, scroll); break; case 'agendaDay': case 'agendaWeek': return; break; } quickSelect.datepicker("setDate", calendar.fullCalendar('getDate')); return false; }); } }, aec_init = function () { $.jGrowl.defaults.closerTemplate = '
' + custom.hide_all_notifications + '
'; $.jGrowl.defaults.position = (custom.is_rtl === '1') ? 'bottom-left' : 'bottom-right'; isFilter = ($('#aec-filter li a').length > 0); if ($('#aec-calendar').length > 0) { calendarInit(); eventHandlers(); } }; aec_init(); // public method for sidebar widget access $.aecDialog = function (e) { e.start = $.fullCalendar.parseDate(e.start); e.end = $.fullCalendar.parseDate(e.end); eventDialog(e); }; });