Anaconda is working with Shore Line Aggregates, a subsidiary of its contract miner, Guy J. Bailey Ltd., and Phoenix Bulk Carriers (BVI) Ltd. to supply 3.5 million tonnes of construction aggregate, using Anaconda’s waste rock from its gold mining operation, to a construction project on the eastern seaboard of the United States. On December 22, 2016, the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency issued its environmental assessment determination regarding the Port Rousse Port Facility Project (the “Port Rousse Projectâ€) deciding no further environmental assessment is required. As such, all necessary permits to construct facilities and operate the Aggregates Venture at Port Rousse have been received.
By January 2017, the Aggregates Venture had shipped approximately 1,000,000 tonnes of aggregate. The Baie Verte Harbour is one of the deepest harbours in Atlantic Canada which makes it suitable for the type of ships required to move such a large quantity of material. Ships on this route measure 199 metres and can carry 60,000 tonnes of aggregate per trip.
“With water export access at Port Rousse, our waste rock is now a competitive product in the seaborne aggregates market, resulting in an additional revenue stream for Anaconda while also reducing mining costs. The aggregate that will be shipped under this project would otherwise require approximately 100,000 tri-axle tractor trailer loads if transported over land. The marine shipping option makes this a safe, green, and competitive means to move vast amounts of product. The companies involved continue to explore other market opportunities. The establishment of Port Rousse also opens up new economic diversification opportunities for Anaconda and the Baie Verte region. Water access now positions Anaconda to explore other export and import ventures, including potentially importing gold ore for processing at the Pine Cove Mill.â€
~ Dustin Angelo, President & CEO, Anaconda Mining
“We take pride in innovation at Anaconda. We took an obstacle and turned it into an opportunity both for Anaconda and the broader community. Over 70 new direct jobs have been created, with 60 people hired by Shore Line for on-shore operations and an additional 12 employed by Sealand Shipping Services Ltd. as tug operators, harbour pilots, and hand-lining services. Over half of these people are under 35 years of age.â€
~ Allan Cramm, VP & General Manager, Anaconda Mining
“You can feel the renewed energy that this project has created in the Baie Verte Region. Businesses throughout the region are feeling the benefits as direct vendors as well as in spin off industries.â€
~ Clar Brown, Mayor, Town of Baie Verte
“After conducting ship-loading activities for many vessels over Q-4 of 2016, Phoenix is substantially impressed with the operational efficiencies and high caliber of professionalism at Port Rousse. All vessels are loaded 24/7/365 at an average rate of at least 20,000 metric tonnes per day. We could not ask for better partners in the Baie Verte community who, we are confident, will continue to support our mutual success!â€
~ Peter Koken, Phoenix Bulk Carriers