Robeco Signs for EDM Warehouse from IHS Markit

Wednesday, September 13, 2017 7:08 am EDT


"We’re delighted to expand our relationship with Robeco, providing them with a scalable, integrated solution that will support the firm’s long-term data reporting and data management strategy"

LONDON (September 13, 2017) – IHS Markit (Nasdaq: INFO), a world leader in critical information, analytics and solutions, today announced that Robeco , a EUR 147 billion international asset manager, has signed for its Enterprise Data Management (EDM) Warehouse. By providing a central warehouse to store, access and report on portfolio information, the new solution is expected to improve business efficiency and data integrity at the firm.

“As we become a more data-centric organization, considering information as a strategic asset and critical enabler, the centralized data warehouse will be a fundamental building block, enabling current and future business initiatives,” said William Riemslag, head of IT delivery investments at Robeco. “The EDM Warehouse will also be critical in helping us meeting regulatory reporting requirements more quickly and efficiently.”

Robeco will use EDM Warehouse to consume and report on transaction, position and counterparty data. It will aggregate and centralize current and historical data sets for internal and external use, ensuring data quality through a single source of the truth. The solution will integrate seamlessly with Robeco’s existing IHS Markit EDM implementation.

“We’re delighted to expand our relationship with Robeco, providing them with a scalable, integrated solution that will support the firm’s long-term data reporting and data management strategy,” said Spiros Giannaros, global head of EDM at IHS Markit.

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IHS Markit (Nasdaq: INFO) is a world leader in critical information, analytics and solutions for the major industries and markets that drive economies worldwide. The company delivers next-generation information, analytics and solutions to customers in business, finance and government, improving their operational efficiency and providing deep insights that lead to well-informed, confident decisions. IHS Markit has more than 50,000 key business and government customers, including 85 percent of the Fortune Global 500 and the world’s leading financial institutions.  Headquartered in London, IHS Markit is committed to sustainable, profitable growth.

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About Robeco ( )

Robeco Institutional Asset Management B.V. (Robeco) is a pure play international asset manager founded in 1929. It currently has 16 offices worldwide and is headquartered in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Through its unique integration of fundamental, sustainable and quantitative research, Robeco is able to offer both institutional and private investors an extensive selection of active investment strategies, covering a broad range of asset classes. As at 30 June 2017, Robeco had EUR 147 billion in assets under management, 71% of which were institutional. Robeco is a subsidiary of Robeco Groep N.V. (RGNV), which had assets under management of EUR 282 billion as at 30 June 2017. More information is available at .


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Suzanne Hewitt, +44 203 367 0594
Financial Services, Software Product