Media Contacts

PLEASE NOTE: IHS Markit media contacts are available only to provide assistance to members of the news media. They are not qualified to respond to product or technical support needs, nor donation or employment requests. If you are not a member of the news media, please visit our pages for product support or HR


IHS Markit Media Relations

The fastest way to receive a response to your media inquiry is to send an email to This email is monitored by our entire global media relations team and a member will contact you just as soon as possible. You also can call the IHS Markit Media Relations phone number, but a faster response can be expected with an email inquiry.

North and South America

+1 248 728 7496
Energy; Natural Resources
+1 202 463 8213
Financial Services and Economics
+1 781 301 9311

Asia Pacific

Maritime & Trade; Energy
+82 31 8039 8771

Europe, Middle East and Africa

+44 207 260 2234